This is not a new discovery. 2 days agoСпециалисты центра Вектор Роспотребнадзора уже изучили данные нового коронавируса NeoCov.
The yet-to-be peer-reviewed study recently posted on the preprint repository BioRxiv shows that NeoCov is closely related.

. The yet-to-be peer. 1 day agoA type of coronavirus NeoCov that spreads among bats in South Africa may pose a threat to humans in future if it mutates further according to a study by Chinese researchers. This is not SARs-CoV-2 or a variant of that.
1 day agoA type of coronavirus NeoCov that spreads among bats in South Africa may pose a threat to humans in future if it mutates further according to a study by Chinese researchers. A type of coronavirus NeoCov that spreads among bats in South Africa may pose a threat to humans in future if it mutates further according to a study by Chinese researchers. 1 day agoNeoCoV was discovered in a population of bats in South Africa a Tass news agency report said.
This is associated with MERS Coronavirus. 2 days ago中国科学家发现此前在南非发现的冠状病毒NeoCoV有渗透到人群中的风险论文预印本发表在bioRxiv网站上消息称病毒需要某种突变才能与人体发生反应现在只对蝙蝠构成威胁论文指出考虑到这类病毒在人群中. 2 days agoРиски от нового коронавируса NeoCov о которых ранее заявили китайские ученые носят потенциальный характер.
1 day agoNeoCov stands for new coronavirus which Wuhan scientists have claimed to have found in bats in South Africa.
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